How To Run A Good Job Interview
Running a job interview can be quite stressful if you do not meet the required preparation. Trying to find the right person for the position of your business is often a delicate process which you need to take very seriously. So, when you are in charge of running a job interview, it is good to carry out the necessary steps to make sure you do it correctly. You need enough time and patience to ensure that the interview goes smoothly and you get just the result you want. Let’s say you are the owner of a beauty salon and you are in the process of hiring a new hairstylist, there is a lot you need to make sure you cover. The questions you ask the candidates is your main concern and this will all depend on what you are looking for and the people you decide to hire.
Here are steps or things to do to make sure you run a successful job interview and hire the right person for your business.
Preparation before meeting the candidate
Before the interview commences, you need to carry out some home work such as going through the requirements of your required position to be filled. You can do this by writing down the ideal skills, personality, educational qualifications and experience which you are looking for. This will help you stay clear on the right candidate whom you are looking for, and you can quickly identify them when you meet one.
Study the resume and LinkedIn of each candidate
Resume and LinkedIn accounts shows a lot about a person and sometimes it is possible to find your right candidate before you even meet them just by going through their LinkedIn nowadays. It is good to pay proper attention to these two things, so you know just what to ask them before time and also familiarise yourself with them. You can also gauge whether or not their experience is suited for you and your business, and whether they have the best blow drying skills. By studying a candidate’s resume or LinkedIn thoroughly, you’ll be able to put yourself in their shoes and get a glimpse of their personality.
Be friendly and welcoming when you meet the candidates
For a candidate, going through a job interview can be very stressful, most candidates wish that the job interview comes to an end before it even begins because of all the fear that comes with it. To make sure you get the best out of the candidates the best thing you can do is make them feel relaxed and at home. If you are too strict with a candidate, it is going to frighten them and rather than doing their best they’ll worry more about not giving wrong responses which will instead make them perform poorly out of fright. You’ll be able to get the best out of each candidate if they feel at ease.
Be open to answering each question asked by the candidate
As an interviewer, you also need to answer all the questions which might be requested by the candidates. Just because you are an interviewer does not mean you are the only one allowed to ask questions. By answering all of the candidate’s questions you clear their doubts and make the interview more of a conversation between two people rather than an interrogation.
End the interview on a good note
Make sure to describe what you intend on doing next to the candidate at the end of the meeting. Rather than just leaving a candidate clueless at the end of an interview, explain what you will do and when you plan to do it. The candidate might feel a type and not want to ask so do them a favour and proceed with it. And also make sure to carry out follow up with every candidate, whether hired or not.
And there you go, that is how you run an interview and get you the right candidate for your business.